Leah♥時尚之【歐美時尚部落客採訪】:英國 Thankfifi

Leah♥時尚之【歐美時尚部落客採訪】:英國 Thankfifi  
Yayyy!!! 我的第一集歐美時尚人士採訪單元終於來拉 呵呵!
講說是『時尚人士』好像有點太過矯情... 因為畢竟跟這些受訪人士都是朋友來著。

會認識她是因為我覺得我跟Wendy的風格也太像了吧 運動隨性風加上那麼點的性感元素!
人家說知音應該就是這麼回事兒吧... 不但聊得來連穿著品味都會很像:)


♥ Introduce yourself briefly to my readers 請簡短的介紹妳自己

I started blogging 3 years ago and Thankfifi follows my fashion journey, travel and life with Mr K, he's the furry one.  We are based in Glasgow, Scotland and when not blogging I am usually travelling (often to London, overseas when I'm lucky) or working my day job where I am PR/Marketing Manager for bluebellgray.  We walk a lot, sun or rain and try to go to the beach as often as possible.
 Leah♥時尚之【歐美時尚部落客採訪】:英國 Thankfifi
♥ How would you describe your style? 妳怎麼形容妳的穿搭style呢? 
我覺得我年紀越大, 我就開始越重視穿搭的質感, 對我來說我覺得衣服的質比量重要, 所以我儘量投資經典單品。我的衣櫥裡大概是75%的經典單品+ 25%流行性高的時尚單品 ( 沒辦法啊!我還是個必須追隨流行的時尚部落客) ←  Leah大點頭!!!
噢...還有!我有非常多的牛仔單品.... 哈
I think as I get older I am definitely more and more concerned about the quality of pieces in my closet so I am trying to invest in the key pieces.  So probably 75% classic, 25% fashion victim (I am still a blogger at heart!).  Oh, and I wear a lot of denim...
Leah♥時尚之【歐美時尚部落客採訪】:英國 Thankfifi
♥ What trend are you going to channel this Fall/ Winter? 你打算這個秋冬要大走什麼風格? 
絕對是寬版褲裙- 比之前更長然後再加上印花元素!!然而, 我還是覺得穿短褲更舒服自在... 好興奮有這麼多元的時尚潮流不斷在興起!

This AW I'm all about culottes - longer than previous seasons and maybe printed.  Somehow I always feel more comfortable in shorts, throw in pockets and I'm really smiling, so I'm thrilled to see so many styles popping up.

♥ What are your hobbies besides fashion? 除了時尚之外, 妳還有什麼興趣呢? 
 哇...我已經夠忙了..我閒暇之餘還能做什麼啊?! 好拉...那遛狗算是ㄧ個興趣嗜好嗎?
我其實真的蠻喜歡走路的, 我也喜歡慢跑...但K先生可不這麼配合...

Wow, what else is there time for?!  Can we call dog walk coffee stops a hobby?  I do walk a lot, sometimes I run but Mr K is not so on board with that...
♥ Do you play any sports or exercise regularly? If so, please tell us what makes you love building up that sweat! Could you also please share a pic of your sporty outfit? :) 除了散步之外, 妳有規律的在做運動嗎? 有的話, 是為什麼妳會想要運動? 可以給我們大家看看妳的運動裝扮嗎?  
我和K先生不管天氣如何, 每天都要走個6-10公里...我想這應該稱得上是大量得健身了吧(笑)!但如果我真的想要雕塑身材和健身, 那我就會跑步去...還會在家裡拿出居家健身DVD
(沒錯!這是最快速且短時間內看得到成績的ㄧ項運動)  ←  Leah再次大點頭!其實我懶得去健身房時候...我也是都在家跳舞健身喔
We walk 4-6 miles a day, every day no matter the weather so that makes up the bulk of my workouts!  When I'm getting in shape though I always try to add in a few runs and dig out the Jillian Michaels DVDs - 6 Week 6 Pack is my fav for quick results.
Leah♥時尚之【歐美時尚部落客採訪】:英國 Thankfifi
Leah♥時尚之【歐美時尚部落客採訪】:英國 Thankfifi
♥ Since you attend Fashion Week a lot, could you please share your fashion week tips? What shows did you attend during LFW?
Leah♥時尚之【歐美時尚部落客採訪】:英國 Thankfifi
我覺得最重要的就是不要趕場- 前幾季時尚周我每個秀都去參加, 結果最後只覺得累翻了!我現在學乖了, 慢慢來並享受時尚周令人興奮期待的氛圍, 也享受和我在倫敦的部落客好友們的相處時光。這ㄧ次的秀我最喜歡的就是Whistles, 立體雷射切割剪裁, 皮革和很多很多的白色...真是太酷了!
My top tip is not to do too much - the first couple of season's I attended I ran around going to anything and everything and just wound up completely exhausted.  I take things a little slower now and give myself time to enjoy it, soak up the atmosphere and catch up with my London blogger girlfriends.  This season I loved Whistles - loads of laser cut and leather and white, very cool.  The venue was in a kind of tube station so that was fun too.
♥ Do you always look so "put together"? Do you sometimes get comfortable and dress down with sneakers and sweat pants?
你永遠都穿搭的這麼完美嗎?? 你有時會想偷懶, 穿布鞋跟運動褲嗎?
沒錯!我蠻常穿我的Nike布鞋, 健身緊身褲, t-shirt和皮夾克呢!基本上我遛狗時都穿這樣!
Yep.  Quite often I'm wearing Nike Free's, workout leggings, a tee and leather jacket.  My go to look for dog walks.
Leah♥時尚之【歐美時尚部落客採訪】:英國 Thankfifi
♥ Do you sometimes feel overexposed as a fashion blogger? 身為ㄧ個時尚部落客, 你會覺得暴露自己太多了嗎?
我覺得身為ㄧ個部落客的好處就是你可以選擇你想分享的事情。像我..我喜歡分享時尚和我的穿搭(當然還有我親愛的K先生!!!哈) 但我不分享感情/ 心情這ㄧ類的文章。對我來說, 我只想在我的部落格上分享正面事物!
I think the thing about blogging is that you are choosing to put yourself out there in a sense so that's not something I have ever felt as a negative thing - it's entirely up to us how much we share and although I love to share my style and thoughts on that and a crazy amount of pictures of my dog, I don't share details of my relationships or emotions as such.  For me, my blog is a positive place.

♥ What do you find yourself sexiest in? 你覺得你何時(穿什麼)最性感?
『高跟鞋』!!永遠都會是高跟鞋!不管是穿牛仔褲或是洋裝, 只有高跟鞋能讓我覺得迷人又性感。
Heels.  Always high heels.  No matter whether with jeans or a dress, it has to be heels for feeling sexy and my favourite pairing would be with skinny leather trousers and a great tee - that's sexy without trying too hard.  Comfortable always looks good.
Leah♥時尚之【歐美時尚部落客採訪】:英國 Thankfifi
♥ What is your favorite "rendezvous spot" with your girlfriends?
回到今天的『女孩兒們私密聚會』主題,妳和好姐妹們有私密口袋名單地點嗎? 請推薦給大家!
Leah♥時尚之【歐美時尚部落客採訪】:英國 Thankfifi
其實我只要能呆在室外...到哪我都很ok! 你們也知道,我最熱衷事情就是帶著K先生逛大街,所以如果能和好姐妹們ㄧ邊遛狗散步,ㄧ邊啜飲咖啡,那真是最棒的事情!
Glasgow這邊有好多很棒值得推薦的咖啡店呢:像是Kember 和 Jones都是我的口袋名單!

Anywhere outdoors... you know I am always walking my dog, MrK, and I seem to have the best catch up on a long dog walk - usually with a coffee stop thrown in.  There are a whole bunch of great places in Glasgow's west end but Kember and Jones is a fav (you can always find snaps of their beautiful macarons littering my Instagram feed!).
♥ So I know you're married and have the cutest dog and the best fashion accessory Mr. K-- how do you balance the married life and the "fashionista life"?
Fortunately the husband is really involved in the blog - he takes all the photos and it's great we have it as a common interest.  He's very understanding of how much time it takes up although he also has a busy job so we are often side by side on our laptops until midnight - it's very romantic...  So perhaps I'm not the best at balancing but whenever we have time for a long dog walk after work I try to leave the phone at home and we always stop for a coffee - sometimes when you work from home it's easier to catch up and take time out away from home!
Leah♥時尚之【歐美時尚部落客採訪】:英國 Thankfifi

♥ Your blog is named after your friend Fifi, how did you meet her? is Fifi also in fashion? Or is she in a totally different industry? 
你的部落格叫做"Thankfifi (感謝Fifi)"...很顯然地Fifi是ㄧ個女生? 你們怎麼認識的? 她也是從事於時尚產業嗎? 還是在完全不同產業??
我跟Fifi是藝術學校時的同學,我們ㄧ開始主修是繪畫,之後Fifi轉系到織品系...但我們ㄧ直都還是非常要好的朋友。之後Fifi成立了現在的公司Bluebellgray (也就是我現在任職的公司),在她邀請下我加入她的團隊。所以不能算完全不相關的產業...況且,我們公司所有的女孩兒們都時尚的要命!所以這真的是間很令人振奮並很有活力的公司呢!

We met at art school studying painting - Fi moved to textiles but we stayed close and then when she founded bluebellgray (my day job) she invited me to join the team!  So not a completely different industry and in fact all the girls in the design studio are very fashionable so it's a really inspiring place to work.

♥ Any life or fashion suggestions to our lovely readers who are also passionate about fashion? 最後,請妳給我們的讀者ㄧ些時尚或人生方向的建議? 

盡情享受人生和時尚!!千萬記得做你喜歡的事情,無論做什麼事情都要記得燃燒著你的熱情...無論是開始撰寫ㄧ個部落格或是小至遛狗或散步!只要你做的這件事情讓妳微笑讓妳開心...那就努力全力以赴完成吧!還有還有.... 養。隻。狗。吧!世界上最棒的事情!!!!

Have fun with life and fashion, do what you love and feel passionate about whether it's starting a blog or just going for a walk, if it makes you smile, make time for it.  Also, get a dog.  Best.  Thing.  Ever.
Leah♥時尚之【歐美時尚部落客採訪】:英國 Thankfifi
♥ Who takes the amazing street style photos for you? I know you're also into photography, any tips to our readers? 是誰幫妳拍攝這麼完美的穿搭照? 我知道你也有在研究攝影,請給我們讀者ㄧ些意見吧。

I work with my husband when I'm at home and usually work with Nancy Gibbs (http://www.nancyhgibbsphotography.co.uk/) when in London or travelling - we have so much fun together!  Really I'm not the best photographer from the technical side but I know the look I want to go for.  I always give thought not to the background - try to contrast to my oufit.  Say for example I'm wearing all black then I want a pale background and vice versa.  Oh and never stand facing the direct sunlight - squinting eyes and harsh light are never pretty...
Leah♥時尚之【歐美時尚部落客採訪】:英國 Thankfifi
Instagram: thankfifi


歡迎來我的官方網站玩耍:Lipstick Catwalk(直接點)


上一則:Leah♥時尚:【歐美時尚部落客採訪】姊妹淘的私密聚會 下一則:Leah♥漂亮:影片教學- 萬聖節《陰屍路》活死人 恐怖流血化妝