Caught with the Paw in the Cookie Jar

Caught with the Paw in the Cookie Jar

Caught with the Paw in the Cookie Jar

Caught with the Paw in the Cookie Jar

被我逮著之後還有貓咪特能裝的無辜臉,沒有辦法認真責怪啊~ 當然馬上給她開飯(也是她的晚餐時間到了)....
Caught with the Paw in the Cookie Jar

每次看到她扭著肥肚肚就想笑 Caught with the Paw in the Cookie Jar
Caught with the Paw in the Cookie Jar
Caught with the Paw in the Cookie Jar
Caught with the Paw in the Cookie Jar

關於這篇的標題,對有興趣知道的人在此解釋一下。原本的成語是"caught with your hand in the cookie jar",用來形容做壞事當場被逮,就如同剛把手伸進餅乾罐子裡面就被逮了個正著。我把手(hand)改成了貓掌(paw),有沒有感覺超可愛呀!

延伸閱讀:五毛 vs 貓食機 - 最終の戰


前一陣子忙得昏天暗地,搞到現在我的作息時間已經有點調不回來,平均睡覺時間都在凌晨四點之後,幾乎是在過台灣時間吧 哈哈...話說我有次無聊看clustrmaps,發現在美西地區也有人和我一樣晚還醒著耶~ 好好奇你們為什麼也這麼夜貓,歡迎留言分享哦~ 哎~ 聊著聊著又四點了,我得快去睡啦,這幾天看能不能把時差給調回來...(吼...沒回台灣也沒去哪還有時差 Orz)

Caught with the Paw in the Cookie Jar
Caught with the Paw in the Cookie Jar

Syb's Blah Blah Blog

上一則:夏日煙火 下一則:2011 洛杉磯動漫展